Doing my best to be true to myself.

18 January 2009

Sunday Girlfriend Dilemna

Got an email from Dazzle today with an update on his love life.  Paraphrasing would just detract so here is a short excerpt:

"The usual quest to find a Sunday Girlfriend has hit a little bit of a snag. I have reached an age where most nominees to be a Sunday girlfriend have expectations that the girlfriend status will be extended to the rest of the week and  I am not about to do something crazy like that. The only alternative I see is to start going for younger girls but that leads to a whole new series of problems that I am not ready to confront."

As is customary for my interactions with Dazzle, my immediate response was outrage. [Why would you not want a girlfriend status extended to the other six days of the week?  Misogynistic pig.]  But I have learned to quickly squelch this instinctive hackle-raising, mellow out, and listen again to what he's said. 

And honestly, I see his point.  As fond as I am of romantic relationships, I have been back in the dating world for several months now with very little to show for it.  I've discovered I need approximately two weeks' advance notice to even schedule a date.  When the time comes to actually go on said date, I'm usually bummed to be missing out on whatever my friends have going on. 

Maybe this has something to do with the fact that I have yet to locate that elusive man with the 5 Requisite Qualities.  But still ... this is probably not the expected behavior from me (I'm Couple Girl).  I guess I still have a lot to figure out.  I hope Dazzle gets his Sunday GF.  It would make for a pretty nice Sunday.  And not a lot of hassle Monday - Saturday.

btw, I don't care if they changed it to dilemma.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"made of honor" ?